Friday, 31 July 2015

Gardiner SLX-35 Carbon Fibre Window Cleaning Pole review

Here is my latest review of the Gardiner SL-X 35 carbon fibre window cleaning pole. I must point out that the swivel neck I talk about in this video has been replaced by another design and is available from Gardiners poles. Gardiner SL-X 35 Carbon Fibre window cleaning pole

Monday, 27 July 2015

Free Amazon look inside feature - Time travel novel based on a true story

Did you know that you can review books on Amazon before you buy them? You will be surprised at just how much you are allowed to read of each book you are interested in before you actually buy it. In fact you will be able to read so much of it that you will probably get "into it" if it's any good and prompt you to buy it. Read my short story to see my viewpoint and see if you agree that if you could go back in time, then it could be too dangerous to change even the slightest thing in case you should change the future and put your present family at risk. "Inside the Clock" is based on a true story that actually happened to me. Go here  to read this book or at least get a long free preview by clicking on the "look inside" feature when you go to the Amazon site.

Wagtail Precision Glide squeegee review

Here are my thoughts on Wagtails latest and innovative squeegee:

The Wagtail Precision Glide squeegee