Friday, 3 March 2017

Squeegee shootout - Wagtail v Moerman Liquidator

What is best, a squeegee that has a pad on it or one that is fixed and you have to use a seperate applicator.

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Dogearing a squeegee - the mutts nuts of dogearing a squeegee

If you don't want to do your own dogearing to your squeegee, then you can just buy into the zero detailing tools that come from Moerman.

Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Bucket v bottle on a belt

If you are still using a bucket then think again. Using a bottle on a belt can free you up from carrying a bucket everywhere especially if you are doing water fed pole at the same time and do the odd bit of trad here and there. You might even be doing tops only wfp and bottoms trad like me.

Monday, 27 February 2017

Water fed pole - Frankenstien water fed pole set up

Here is my latest mish mash Frankenstien water fed pole set up. Thing is, it really works and just shows how you can modify your equipment to suit your own purposes.