Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Perry Tait of Reach-iT - Reach-iT package

Must see video. Perry shows us the current state of the art carbon fibre Reach-iT pole package. I use Reach-iT poles and equipment and I am so excited about how this company is panning out!

Sunday, 27 March 2016

Why use a sill brush? - Sill brush demo

Using a sill brush can make life much easier.

New angle on a squeegee - big ergonomic improvements

Here is a video that will explain how and why the angles on the end of a squeegee can improve the efficiency of your working practices.

Reach-iT side 2 side - What is it and what it does.

Here I show you how the Reach-iT side 2 side swivel works and what else it does too.