After riding motorcycles since 1970 and suffering several crashes and near misses, I got to thinking a lot more about safety. When you are young, you tend not to think as much about safety as you perhaps should. I was the same.
It was no use applying the brakes in mid air and I knew that this was going to end badly. I landed just yards from the stationary vehicle and applied the brakes hard in panic mode. Of course both wheels locked up and a collision was inevitable. After all, the simple laws of physics were going to apply whether I liked it or not. It is not possible to stop in less distance than the laws of physics will allow. It would have to be a miracle.
This is in fact what happened. A minor miracle occurred, in that the car began to move off, just at the right time. Of course it was too late but when the collision happened it was just a moderate bump but since I was already on the brakes, the inertia on impact was enough to have me sprawled over the cars boot!
The car stopped as I unceremoniously slithered back over the handlebars and fuel tank of my still upright motorcycle. No damage was done to either vehicle and we went our separate ways. I was shaking like a leaf, my arms felt like jelly and it taught me a valuable lesson. I was exceptionally lucky to get away with this little misdemeanor.
The moral of the story I suppose is obvious, "if you can't see, don't assume that the road is clear" or words to that effect. There are many scenarios that this will apply to especially when thinking of overtaking on a bend but there are a lot more subtle situations that you might not have thought about.
One that could be lethal concerns junctions. This is a real life situation that has taken lives. You are travelling behind a large vehicle, it's a bit slow but you can see for miles ahead and it's clear. The motorcycle is capable of passing this vehicle in seconds. Unfortunately, you failed to spot the junction on the left about 300yds or so and the car wishing to pull out to turn right. He has quite a fast car, he also estimates that the lorry is traveling slowly and knows that he can pull out rapidly before the lorry gets to the junction. Because you are behind a large vehicle, the car driver cannot see you and does not assume that there is anything behind the lorry.
You make your move after checking your mirrors, pull out to make the perfect overtake but at the same time, the car has pulled out safely with plenty of space and has saved time waiting for the lorry.
The car turns smartly to the right only to be confronted by you accelerating hard to pass the truck.
The best advice about motorcycling that was to ever cross my path, is "assume that you are invisible".
It might seem to take all the fun out of what is an incredible experience but there is a time and place for everything but it's definitely not near a junction.
Statistics show that most motorcycle accidents occur in and around junctions so never ever let your guard down whenever there's a junction about. Can you think of any more scenarios like the one above that you can avoid? I had several motorcycle crashes but none were serious. They say you learn by your mistakes but this is one sport where it could easily be your last.
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