Having done a number of jobs in the past like the Merchant Navy and three trades in the Royal Navy, I know enough about being employed to make a judgement.
One thing I did like about being in the Navy was the security it gave me but I also have to admit that I was in the wrong job. But you know what, it is notoriously hard to just change jobs when you have commitments hanging over your head and bills to pay. It can be a real nightmare. For more information read this amazing book
In my case I had no choice over my discharge from the Royal Navy. I was discharged because of stress aggravated by Naval service. No body's fault really, just one of those things. All this was a long time ago though and to be honest I was relieved to get out and at the time, I didn't have very many commitments even though I was married. I didn't have any kids as well so the decisions I made would be easier. Although I owned my own property, it was a mobile home on a Naval caravan site.
We loved it here but we could not stay so I put the place up for sale and sold it without any problems.
After a foray into the jobs market I was able to get a job with accommodation as a gardener for a millionaire in Kent. There had been many applicants but somehow my wife and I had impressed them enough to get the job. We only lasted a month here though and it left me with a bitter taste in my mouth and I began to wonder where my life was leading. For more information read this amazing book
I spent the next two years unemployed in Malta. This was a highlight though and as my wife is Maltese, we had many relatives to rely on. I had received a gratuity of £5000 on leaving the Navy, and this is mainly what we lived on for two years. When the money ran out and a bad on foreigners working in Malta, we returned to the UK and briefly to my parents house. We were now homeless and almost penniless apart from a small pension granted to my from the Navy, but not enough to live on.
We did not last long here either so moved in with friends in Durham whom we'd met in Malta. It was then that I met a window cleaner who was selling his round. It wasn't something I had considered before but I decided to buy the round.
Because I was so eager to work for myself at this time, I was keen to make it work. After some training from the old guy I was away on my own. There was a lot to learn but it didn't take long to learn the routine. Soon I was able to come off social security although they did not give me much on top of my pension. Then we applied for a council house and got one within six weeks. Since I had been in the Navy, I got some priority but remember, the waiting list was not so long in 1986.
Things were looking up and my wife would help me clean the windows too. After a few months we really began to learn how to clean windows well and even we were surprised at how fast we could get the round out of the way. We also began to pick up extra work. Some I got by canvassing newly built houses and began to get some good work. Others I got by people just seeing us work and asking us to clean there houses.
I had bought an old Morris Minor which should really have been in the scrap yard but it got us about at first. However, we were doing so well that I was able to sell this and get a big Rover SD1. It seemed like an amazing turn around and not long after we bought an old caravan to go touring in at weekends.
So being self employed was suiting us but don't get carried away, absolutely nothing is ideal. It was hard work especially in winter. Going back to peoples houses collecting at night and being responsible for my own tax. I had to be self disciplined too and this won't suit everyone but to be my own boss for once far outweighed the downside for me.
Also, when you are self employed, the money can be better than you initially imagine. We could have done better but we are content with the life we had self employed and one big plus was that I got to spend a lot of time with my family. I concentrated on short hours but with a relatively high pay. Also I am actually in a very secure job, a job for life and one from which I can't get the sack.
So if you're thinking of going self employed make sure you are prepared for the responsibility that it brings but the upside can be very rewarding. For more information read this amazing book
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