Are you afraid to write a book? Are you afraid because of what people will think of you or your writing? Perhaps you feel that you could not possibly compete with some of the amazing writers that grace the book scene. And you would be right. So why even try and be humiliated?
So many people have been discouraged from writing either about themselves or writing a novel because they think that they will never be good enough. There must be so many wonderful stories out there just waiting to be told. Whether it be your autobiography or a novel.
Most aspiring writers are put off from creating their cherished stories because of the old establishment. Some feel that they have nothing of value to offer. Everything has to be just so, no mistakes and perfect grammar finding a publisher, the right layout - everything. It can be so intimidating can't it?
Now you can self publish on sites like Amazon and skirt round the whole intimidating system that held writers back for years. This of course does not mean that you can just write anything and get away with it. There still needs to be a reasonable standard of spelling and grammar. This can be achieved more easily than you perhaps imagine. Today's computers can help you write your book and once you get to know how to get the most out of Microsoft Office Word or similar systems, then you will be surprised at how much they can help you. These systems will correct spelling mistakes and also grammar even as you progress through your book.
So if you are an aspiring author then give it your best shot before it's too late. You know what they say don't you? There's a book in everyone.
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