Friday, 16 December 2016

Preventing runs - water fed pole techniques

Save water and prevent runs with this simple technique

Constructor Brush end caps - how to prevent damage

This vid will show you how to modify your constructor brush so it doesen't get bashed about as much.

Monday, 10 October 2016

Saving water techniques - water fed pole window cleaning

Here is a method of saving water and extending the amount of glass you can clean before having to fill up again. This should only be employed on maintenance cleans of around 4 weeks and only if the windows have remained fairly clean in that time. It's just another option if you are confident enough and will extend the range of your work.

DIY hose reel for trolley system

This is my latest DIY hose reel for my trolley system. Although I used it for a couple of years previously, I have brought it back into service with a few improvements. A minature hose reel like this on your system can make a big difference.

Using a syphon system to fill up backpack

I now use a syphon system to fill my backpack up as and when needed. It saves a lot of lifting and I fill up the barrels within the vehicle rather than fill them and then lift them in.

Waterfed trolley system update.

I have now reverted to my old sack truck on which I used to use barrels. Now I use a Big Boy backpack which has a capacity of 22ltrs which in reality is not too much different from a barrel anyway. I have incorporated a few modifications which make it a better system.

Why use Pneumatic trolley wheels?

This is why it's best to use inflatable trolley wheels on your system....

New Rhino tube from Reach0-iT.

Here I show you the new coloured Rhino tubes from Reach-iT. Now you can match your system and tube as well.

Sunday, 11 September 2016

Window Cleaning Tap - Reach-iT Rhino Kink

Here I show you how simple and effective the Rhino Kink tap can be. It's really versatile once you get used to using it.

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Working With Wagga - Video for UK Window Cleaning

Filmed by Lee Burbidge and Tristan Dawber a couple years ago or so, this video shows something of how we work in the UK. I have to say that a lot of the techniques shown are now out of date and much of the equipment has moved on. Nontheless it may entertain you still. Non of this video was scripted and the altercation with the householder was not set up.

The worlds best value and most nurishing breakfast - How to make porridge

It should take about 3 minutes in a microwave but it can vary if you have a better one than me. I have been on this breakfast for the past ten years with no health problems. I have done a lot of research into whole foods and fats. There is a lot of myths out there and I discovered that most of the research carried out by the authorities is actually faulty. One of the best articles I ever read was one called "The Skinney on Fats". It looks complicated but if you are really interested you will get the jist of what is being said.

My colesterol when tested by the doctor was low and I got a clean bill of health the doctor saying "a fine specimen" and I was in my 50s then. Now I am 63 and still going strong doing a "young mans job" as they sometimes say about window cleaning.

This sort of breakfast will be full of slow release nurishment and will give you "paced energy" which in physical jobs, will go a long way. Go ahead and try it. It will be the best porridge you ever tasted and I also recommend buying the best honey you can because its worth it.

Saturday, 3 September 2016

Influencing the Window Cleaning Industry

Influencing the Window Cleaning Industry

When I first started out in window cleaning in 1986, the window cleaning scene was a very different place to what it is now. I remember my first day in November of that year. It was cold and wet and I had no idea what I was doing.

Many times I wondered just what I had got myself into especially when I "froze" at the top of the ladders that first few times. I didn't even have a "Bucket on a belt" to hold my tools. I would just balance the tools on the window ledge.

If I wanted any equipment, I would have to travel 15 miles into Middlesbrough town centre and twice arrived when it was half day closing on Wednesdays! It was all very basic.

With the advent of the internet, everything began to change and I could order stuff online. From being isolated and comparing notes with my window cleaning mate who really could not be bothered, it was suddenly a different world.

I began to get into window cleaning forums and began to get idea's on modifying bits and pieces but found it hard to explain what I was on about. Then came YouTube and things really took off after that. I began to post video's about my idea's and modifcations to things like the bucket on a belt, dogearing and eventually, water fed pole systems.

It wasn't long before I began to get noticed by other window cleaners. Many appreciated what I was doing and would kindly thank me for helping out. With the maufacturers, it was a little different since competition for new products and idea's were closely guarded. When I first set out to give of all my experience and idea's, it was never to make "money" out of it in that sense. I had a bit of a following and had gained some respect which I treasured over just trying to make money and I decided to keep it that way.

I did a few reviews on different types of equipment but quickly realised that to remain neutral was going to be impossible. Each manufacturer would be sensitive to a bad review or would think I was loyal to one or the other or even on their pay roll which incidentally was never true, not ever.

If I thought something was good and worth promoting, I would feature it in one of my video's but don't think for one moment I was able to get loads of free stuff to do this with. It actually never really happened and most of the stuff I feature on my YouTube channel, I had to buy myself. I never actually made enough money to be able to buy things just so I could review them and for various reasons, its remained that way up until now. It would be nice though!

I am grateful to those manufacturers for the bits and pieces that did actually arrive and I made good use of in the past. It actually helped me out but that wasn't the real reward; no the real reward is when someone contacts me and says "thanks for helping out". The other reward is when I see products out there that I know for sure that I had a hand in. I'm not going to say exactly what they are and some came about in a roundabout way. Take Reach-iT with their innovotive Constructor Brush, combined angle adapter and swivel head. Look at Moermans zero detailing squeegee system and think about it - just for a moment. I have had a long association with Wagtail and Willie Erken. I have used their tools since they were introduced in the early 2000's. Many a time you will see the applicator pad flipped over from the top on one of their squeegees instead of underneath for certain applicatons......

There are more things that its difficult to actually attribute directly to my influence but its nice to know just the same that even at the very least; great minds think alike. I'm not out to take all the glory either but you start to realise that there is some truth in the saying "there is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving".

Friday, 2 September 2016

Wagtails Hipdipper

Here I modify Wagtails Hipdipper to make it more ergonomic.

Saturday, 13 August 2016

Up and Running in under 30 minutes

Ever thought of changing over to water fed pole but just felt it too daunting? Well its never as bad as you think! I got this system up and running in under 30 minutes. Ok I already had the stuff but thats not the point. It can be cheaper and easier than you think to get going for a more profitable and safer life in window cleaning.

I would recommend a back pack over buying a trolley system because for one, it's much cheaper, lighter and just as efficient. Ok, you have to pour the barrels but you get used to it. If you were to buy a ready built trolley system it will be relatively expensive, on the heavy side and with very little advantage over the latest back packs.

Big Boy back pack

The latest back packs are for instance 22 litre capacity which is not far off using a 25ltr barrel anyway. It has a flow of 4ltrs a min with 100psi. Enough to cope with anything you can throw at it.

All you need is one of these sack trucks which are cheap, light and collapsible. Then two or three bungees to hold the back pack on with. The back pack incidentally is the "Big Boy" back pack from Window cleaning warehouse. It even has a flow controller and battery condition display. It's the one I use every day.

Window cleaning warehouse also do special packages so you can buy everything together if you like so you will get just about everything you need to get going except for the sack truck which you can get on ebay or Amazon for around £25 - £30.

At first you might use more water and run out of water too quickly but once you learn how to conserve water and get those windows clean, then its really surprising at just how much work you can do with little water and yet have a good rinse. I often do downstairs trad still but increasingly, I am able to do the bottoms as well with just a back pack and I work fast. Really the secret is saving water by using at tap - but not just using a tap, its using it efficiently. There are a lot of them on the market now some better than others.

The only snag with all this is the water purification. If you live in a hard water area it will be expensive to buy the correct water purification system that will work efficently and economically.
Those lucky enough to live in area's where the water comes in at around 100ppm tds will be able to use a Di which is easy and relatively cheap to buy but this is a whole subject on its own. For an average day you will need about 6 25ltr barrels but I often use just 4 or 5 a day and do more work than you would think.

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

New Multi tool and bronze wool pad holder

Here I show you a great way of attaching a bronze wool pad to and existing angle adapter. Bronze wool is and excellent way of getting off bird muck and even change glass to hydrophillic.

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Easy pole end defenders

Here is an easy and simple way to protect the end of your pole and protect scratching cars etc. It doesn't matter what size pole you have but this will pobably only work on smaller poles.

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Carbon Fibre Poles - What's the real weight?

It's no use going by the bare pole weight. You must take into consideration the rest of the attachements including the tube and the water that fills it. Is there anything you can do to save weight and make your life easier?

Friday, 6 May 2016

Hard Rubber or Soft?

Hard rubber or soft? It can depend on the temperature at the time.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Trolley system - Mini Hose reel

Here I show you a mini hose reel that I made myself. It was actually a very difficult DIY project so I think that a very small manufactured one would be a good idea for trolley systems.

Thursday, 28 April 2016

DIY Water fed van part seven - Van at work

Here is the completed van at work. It works well and other than a problem with the installation of the flow controller, it went really well. The van handles well too and the unbaffled tank does not effect the handling much at all. It is however recommended to baffle the tank.

DIY Water fed pole van part six - Flow controller

Here we fit the flow controller. This is where we had the most problems and it might be worth while getting someone who is experienced to help out or you may get it wrong like we did.

DIY Water fed pole van Part five - Installation almost complete

Here we have just about got everything up and running.

DIY Water fed pole van part four

Assembling all the equipment into the van.

DIY Water fed pole van - Part Three

Here I show you all the parts we used for the set up.

Diy Water fed pole van part two- Floor paint

Here we have fibre glassed the edges of the wooden floor and then painted it out.

Diy window cleaning van set up part one

Here we show what we did to get our van up and running on the cheap with a water fed system. This is how the van looked to start with.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Swivel Brush - Fitting a Wagtail Orbit

Here I show you how to convert an ordinary brush into a swivel one and what the advantages are.

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Window cleaning - Cleaning vents

Here I have a solution to those problem vents that may have been leaving runs on the glass.

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Bucket on a belt Modification

If you use a Wagtail squeegee, then it usually won't fit properly. This modification will help a lot.

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Wagtail on a pole

Here is my son doing some window cleaning with a Wagtail on a pole

Simpole V Reach-iT poles

Here we have a comparison of both the Simpole and the Reach-iT poles. Both are 25'. So how do they compare?

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Perry Tait of Reach-iT - Reach-iT package

Must see video. Perry shows us the current state of the art carbon fibre Reach-iT pole package. I use Reach-iT poles and equipment and I am so excited about how this company is panning out!

Sunday, 27 March 2016

Why use a sill brush? - Sill brush demo

Using a sill brush can make life much easier.

New angle on a squeegee - big ergonomic improvements

Here is a video that will explain how and why the angles on the end of a squeegee can improve the efficiency of your working practices.

Reach-iT side 2 side - What is it and what it does.

Here I show you how the Reach-iT side 2 side swivel works and what else it does too.

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Fitting a flow controller

Here I fit a flow contoller to the window cleaning van. It is important to wire it up correctly and if you are not sure of this, you should get help.

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Commercial Window Cleaning - Interior Window Cleaning with Wagtail and Reach-iT

Here I show you how it is possible to clean the inside of fairly tall windows in a commercial setting. An angle adapter and an 18" Wagtail flipper was used in this video set on top of the Reach-iT Mini 25' pole.

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Watail Tools - Now get them on Amazon

Wagtail Flipper Yes get a Wagtail Flipper from Amazon. It's quick and easy now and save on those shipping costs too. If you've never tried a Wagtail, then now's the time to get stuck in and try one.

I had actually contracted tennis elbow syndrome and that hurt for sure. I had been cleaning windows for years and I had nowhere else to go. Getting the lowdown from my local doctor, he said "change the way you do things, or your done". This got me to thinking - how can I change what I do - it's impossible. The future looked dire.

I got to thinking about my future and just when all seemed lost, a friend of mine brought me a Wagtail tool to try. I read all about this new tool invented by Willie Erken with its progressive swivel action - unique in the window cleaning world. I found that it had been tested out by a medical team and the results were amazing!

Sure it took time for me to get used to this new tool but once I did, there was no stopping me. I even got to use this tool on a pole to such a great degree that I was able to ditch my ladders. Most of all though, because of the ergonomics of this tool, my tennis elbow gradually disappeared for good. What a great blessing this was and from then on, I never looked back.

The Wagtail will give you more money per hour, eleviate muscular stress which can lead to "repetative stress injuries" such as the "tennis elbow" that I had. And you know what? It gives a superior reach so you can reach higher glass without stretching but also get don't have to bend down as far either for those patio doors!

Wagtail from Amazon

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Wagtail on a pole - Special techniques by Son of Wagga

Here, Tristan shows us how to clean upper residential windows with a wagtail on a pole.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Unger Neoprene gloves - Window cleaning gloves

Here I review Unger's neoprene gloves. They are not as good as I thought. Note the black nail - I trapped it in the car door. The nail has since fallen off and has started to grow back now.

Monday, 29 February 2016

Worlds fastest window cleaners - Extreme window cleaners

Here I do 11 windows in less than one minute. This is not on a customers house but just a speed attempt for fun. The results were pretty good though.

Sunday, 28 February 2016

Moerman Liquidator Squeegee review

Here I demonstrate the Moerman squeegee and see if it's any good for zero detailing.

Saturday, 27 February 2016

Unger S-Plus squeegee channel review

Is Ungers factory dogeared zero detailing squeegee any good? Lets find out.

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Wagga has a go at the world record

Here we are at the Dorset show a while back and I have a go at the world record. Needless to say, I came nowhere near.

Saturday, 20 February 2016

Friday, 19 February 2016

Wagtail modification secrets explained

Here I explain why I have modified the Wagtail squeegee in the way I have. These techniques also apply to other types of squeegees too. Please don't look at how I cut the rubber too closely! I made a pigs ear of it but you should get the idea.

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Wagga meets Willie

This was at the Dorset window cleaning show when I met Willie Erken, the inventor of the Wagtail cleaning tool. He came all the way from Australia too.

Monday, 15 February 2016

Spring loaded swivel brush

If you use a swivel brush then you will find it much more efficient if it is spring loaded. You might have a different set up to this one but the principle can still be used but in a different way perhaps. You will know when you have it set a the correct springiness!

Monday, 8 February 2016

Sealskinz Gloves - Any good for window cleaning?

Here I review Sealskinz gloves. These are not specifically designed for window cleaning but will do the job. They will keep your hands warm and dry and also wick away any sweat from your hands whilst you work. Beware of inferior copies though, some of these gloves are made in China and will not be quite as good.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Worlds fastest window cleaners

Here I show you how fast I can go. Because of the special type of dogearing on the squeegee's, there was not much call for any detailing. I do 11 windows in less than a minute.

Monday, 1 February 2016

Window cleaning in Malta

Window cleaning in Malta. Here I do the windows of my own accomodation lol.

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Wagga writes Autobiography - "Running for Home"

Here's my Autobiography in which I describe what actually happened in my life. More stuff happened than I had at first realized. It was a hectic life right from the outset, having military parents and moving from one camp to the next it was never a settled life. I left home at the age of 14 to join a sea training school for the Merchant Navy. This was more of a reform or borstal school though.

At sixteen I joined the Merchant Navy as a deckboy and traveled the world. Health a safety were for sissies and did not exist. Consequently, we got into all sorts of dangerous situations.

Becoming a Psychiatric nurse gave me a glimpse into just what it was like in the large Victorian asylums of the sixties and seventies and plenty of wierd and strange things.

Joining the Royal Navy, I became first a radio operator, then a helicopter aircrew man and escaped death by the narrowest of margins. Later becoming a Military policeman it was all fun and games trying to put into practice what I had learned.

After leaving the military in 1983, my wife and I went to live in Malta which was an amazing time although often we would barely have enough food to live on. After two years with no work we reluctantly returned to the UK where I began to work as a window cleaner right up to the present day.

If you click on this link it will take you to Amazon book store (UK cutomers click here Running for Home) and it contains a feature whereby you can look inside any book for free and read a remarkable amount of the book before purchasing it so you get a feel for it: Running for Home

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Using an Aqua Tap and a swivel brush together

It's notoriously hard to use an Aqua Tap and a swivel brush at the same time but with a bit of practice, it can be done.

Setting up Reach-it Pole clamps.

How to set up a Reach-iT pole.

Sunday, 3 January 2016

Cheap and easy way into waterfed pole window cleaning

This is the cheapest and quickest way to set up a water fed pole window cleaning system

Friday, 1 January 2016

TFR - Traffic Film Remover for Fascias

Ever wondered what people use to clean fascias? Here's a basic way of getting started with easy to source TFR (Traffic film remover). Try to buy a very concentrated version and use a pressure sprayer to apply it, agitate it, let it soak for a while then rinse off and hey presto - "Job Done"