Monday, 29 October 2012

Fifty Shades of Grey - Is it really what you want? Top Autobiographies

Fifty Shades of Grey - Is it really what you want?

If you have read the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy, did you really enjoy it. Was it what you expected and how did it make you feel? I admit that I have not read any of these books so I can't comment on their content, the way they were written or how well they were written.

What makes a successful book? Is it attractive because its main theme is all about sex? Is this what it's all about, is this what makes it so attractive? Could it be that you wish that your life could be more like the characters within these sort of books and that you can live in a fantasy world and this will compensate for some sort of lack in your own?

Life rarely measures up to expectations and this is a fact. Is it possible for these sorts of books to enhance your life or have you realized
that reading this sort of book only makes things worse and leaves you with a feeling of emptiness? There are so many questions to answer that it might seem bewildering to you.

When I began to write my book I did so out of a sense of bitterness,  a longing to tell someone about my life and the way it went; about all the perceived failure that I had endured. I wanted to get it all off my chest as it were. As I progressed through the book though, I began to realize that I had something to share with others and that I could find a form of therapy in writing down all the things that I had done in my life. This I thought is genuine stuff, from the heart, something that people will want to read because it's real; something that actually happened and not some sort of fantasy. Unfortunately, I was wrong.

Personally, I find it hard to get involved in fantasy. Maybe it's just me but I just can't. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a cartoon as much as anybody else but it's just when fantasy is concocted up as something that purports to be real, then I just can't get into it. Much of the time a film or a book becomes impossible for me to take seriously since much of the time it's just not plausible. Alright it might be entertaining but it is rarely satisfying. It might be fun but never ever confuse fun with happiness; never. It's actually not the same thing at all. Fun, you will find is superficial, happiness is a much deeper and more fundamental emotion which you may have already discovered, is elusive.

I realised very early on in my life that for most people if not all, we are in pursuit of happiness. We try to make ourselves happy in a myriad of ways and indeed there are so many things to get involved in that you just don't know where to start. We all tend to do it, money, alcohol, sex, ambition the list is endless but all in the pursuit of happiness.

Am I happy? I guess not but through all the things I did and went through, I made a few discoveries along the way that gave me a few clues. It might not be what you want to hear, but for what it's worth I now know why we as a society are not happy. Not that I have the answer of course, no, it's going to be a lot more complicated than that. There are no quick fixes here.

Like you I will have good days and bad days. Sometimes I feel on top of the world but the next day.......maybe not. You just have to make the most of what you got and try not to take life too seriously. Easier said than done. Hope you enjoyed my rant but I feel a bit better for it now even though it might come across as a bit controversial.

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