Thursday, 1 November 2012

Scariest moment of my life - Helicopter crash landing

What's the scariest moment of your life? What's mine - well let's think. To be honest I have a few but here's one. I was in a helicopter as aircrew in the Royal Navy and doing some exercises called auto rotation. This is where you practice engine failure.

We'd done a few of these descents but on the last one the engine failed for real. The ground rushed up to meet us and boy was I scared. With no more height left to recover we just fell toward the ground but just as I thought we were going to die, the stupid engine decides that it was also scared and it kicks back in just in time to scrub off some of the speed we were heading for the ground. Bang we hit the ground, the suspension bottoms out, the engine and rotors scream, the cows in the field produce more than the usual cow pats and we bounce back into the air and just manage to stay airborne.

I think that was my luckiest escape but I have a few more. If you are interested, watch this space. For an immediate fix just have a look at my book. It's all in there, all the sordid details of my farcical and sometimes dangerous life Running For Home a top autobiography, have a free review of the first few chapters you will be surprised at how much of this book you can actually read for free.

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